CBEO Headline Trophy


"We take hunting seriously. As full-time outfitters, the chase for ‘The Big Ones’ never stops with us. We are constantly in contact with others in the community and searching for best trophies. We never stop working so you can have the hunt of a lifetime."

Contact Outfitter


Between conventions and this past trip to Mexico, I'm buried with deadlines. I've learned there's no point in seeking sympathy for being an outdoor journalist! Heck, I probably don't deserve it anyhow. It's a great life but I'm going to keep this short so I can pound the typer and get caught up.

If you book a hunt with Greg Pennicott, this week's featured CBEO, you can expect three things:

1) The hunt of a lifetime.
2) Plenty of laughs.
3) To witness flip flops as abused and overused as a Soviet Era Lada.

Greg's not peculiar among Australian guides in his choice of footwear. But do as he says not as he does. His website has a thorough "WHAT TO BRING" section that clearly states "Sturdy footwear for the hunt". A well broken in pair of hikers will do just fine. Just make sure they'll dry quickly.

I hope you take a look at Greg's offerings. I really enjoy hunting Australia with him.

Good Hunting,




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