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Sorry About the Lack of Pretzels

Today we address the 16 to 25 million hunters around the world that don't enjoy conventions.

We may not charge you $120 to view our shortlist of top outfitters from around the globe, or $12 for a Bud Light (Hell, we won't GIVE you a Bud Light). We won't even ask you to put on a shirt to attend our 24/7 convention. It's free.

Best part? Every outfitter in our convention is intensely vetted. Craig, Donna and I have curated a select group of outfitters you can book with 100% confidence. We've researched them. We've visited them. We've said "no" to more than we've said "yes". So pick up the cocktail you just mixed in a real glass like a grownup and settle in for a quick trip around the hunting world.

We respect that there was a time when hunters had to attend conventions to see what was available. We understand that a select group of people attending hunting conventions find it to be a pleasurable experience. But, we also understand the internet now exists and for most hunters it is more pleasurable to visit with friends in hunting camp.

Click the button below and you'll get the same offers you would at a convention. Contact the outfitter directly and save a commission. Craig Boddington Endorsed Outfitters is unlike anything that exists on Earth. Not only do we vet, but we do not try to drive our outfitters' prices down. We know a premium experience costs a certain amount.

No grudges if you love the conventions. Craig still does. But if you don't, we just saved you a pile of cash on flights and hotels and you can donate that to your favorite conservation organization or leave a better tip after your next hunt.

In the interest of full disclosure, our convention lacks a food court. We're sorry. Maybe spend your savings on a box of SUPER PRETZLES from Amazon!







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Boddington Online Bookstore

I'll sign any book you like, just ask in the checkout notes. Just like at a convention.

A Smile Before You Go