How to Hunt Great Cats
of Africa
Although size varies dramatically, lion and leopard have in common that they’re both extremely dangerous. In perspective, the leopard is a shy, nocturnal predator that’s generally not dangerous to man unless wounded.
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Equipment Needed for Leopard Hunting in Africa
Since the leopard is considered dangerous game in some countries, there is a legal minimum, and it's usually going to be either the European 9.3mm or the .375. If a legal minimum exists, then absolutely it must be adhered to. Always ask your PH for his or her recommendation.
Learn moreEquipment Needed for Lion Hunting
And in most African countries, either 9.3mm or .375 are going to be the legal minimum for lion. In this case, that makes perfect sense. Both the 9.3 and the .375 are ideal calibers for lion.
Learn moreJudging a Mature Leopards Size Hunting
There was a time in Africa when any leopard was good enough and any maned lion was good enough, but things have changed in different ways for both of the great cats.
Learn moreJudging a Mature Lions Size Hunting
Lions are in trouble in today’s Africa, and so, today’s hunting has to be ever more careful and ever more conservative and ever more selective than it ever used to be. We know today that it’s a bad thing to take a lion out of a pride, so you have to make sure that a male lion is alone.
Learn moreThe Baiting Process for
Great Cats in Africa
Baiting is the most common technique for both lions and leopards. In long-established hunting areas, many PHs will have favorite bait trees for both lions and leopards, but in most cases, baiting starts with an exhaustive search for fresh tracks.
Learn moreHow to Set Up Bait Site To Hunt African Lions and Leopards
The romantic concept is that leopard bait will be hung so that the leopard is silhouetted against the sky and preferably against the sunset.
How to Use Blinds for
Baiting African Lions and Leopards
Terrain dictates distance and location, but rifle blinds will usually be established 60 to an absolute maximum and rare distance of maybe 120 yards. Archery blinds are, of course, going to be set much closer, and that means minimal movement and no noise while in the blind.
Learn moreShot Placement on Lions
and Leopards
Leopards are small, and they’re really not especially tough. And on a bait, a leopard is taken completely unaware with no adrenaline surging.
Shot Angles for Great Cats
Obviously, game animals don’t always stand perfectly broadside. It’s essential that the shooter properly visualize exactly how the animal’s standing, then envision where the vitals lie and adjust the sight picture accordingly.
Learn moreFollowing Up After the Shot on Lions or Leopards
Following up a wounded leopard is dangerous. Following up a wounded lion is deadly. Laws vary in different African areas and countries.
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