The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is privileged to announce USA Shooting has selected the Judith Legerski CMP Competition Center in Anniston, Ala., as host site to Part 3 of the 2024 Air Gun Olympic Trials!
The match is set for Jan. 5-7, 2024, and will be the final step in the Olympic Selection series. Athletes will compete in two days of ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) 60-shot events. Spectators are welcome into the Judith Legerski CMP Competition Center through the duration of the Olympic Trials, free of charge.
Donna invites you to hunt pronghorn with her in Wyoming. She's supported Wyoming Women's Foundation for a number of years. Guaranteed if Donna is there, it will be fun.
I genuinely enjoy the conventions. I wouldn't attend them after all these years if I didn't. But the exhibitor side of the booth and the attendee side of the booth are very different experiences. Hearing stories of hunts you took because of my writing is my main inspiration for the year's work. I sometimes wish my muses were a little prettier, but at least your stories are interesting.
I'll share a convention pro-tip with you. Bring a fresh pair of good quality socks. Change into them midday. It's like a nap for your feet.
Speaking of naps; who doesn't love a high quality hunt that incorporates siestas? Mexico Hunting Specialist is our featured outfitter this week. The owner is Mario Canales. He is a great young outfitter and fantastic hunter. He can be a generalist on familiar Mexican game…and is a real specialist on the tough stuff Mexico’s less-known varieties of deer. I can’t imagine anyone knows more about brocket deer than Mario Canales.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!