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How to hunt africa - Plains

The Expert Safari Preparation Courses are the perfect how-to guides for your African safari.

Craig Boddington is a veteran outdoor writer who has published numerous magazine articles and books on hunting and shooting. He’s compiled decades of his experience, award winning video and top suggestions into these courses. Learn everything you need to know to make the most of your safari. The courses will take only a couple of hours each, and you’ll come out the other side a better prepared, more knowledgeable, and more successful hunter.

Plain Games - Chapter 1

Basic Firearms Safety For African Plains Game Hunting

10 Commandments of Firearms Safety

Basic firearm safety starts with the 10 Commandments of Firearms Safety. Now these 10 are stated differently by various organizations, and they’re often presented in different order. But the meaning is consistent and virtually universal, and it applies everywhere, including in Africa. If these rules are followed, a firearms-related accident is almost impossible.

These 10 commandments rely upon basic common sense. Implied throughout is reliance on control of the direction of your muzzle and lack of reliance on firearms mechanical safety. These rules don’t change in Africa. Most professional hunters will attest that the most dangerous thing out there is an excited visitor with a firearm.

  • Treat every firearm as if it’s loaded.
  • Control the direction of your firearm's muzzle.
  • Be sure of your target and what's beyond your target.
  • Be sure that the barrel and action are clear of obstructions and that the proper size ammunition is used. Now in Africa, there’s something special you might want to think about. Termites and other insects can very quickly build nests in your barrel, and it can cause an obstruction. So in Africa, you want to check your muzzle at least daily to make sure it's clear.
  • Always unload your firearms when not in use.
  • Never point your firearm at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
  • Never climb a fence or tree or jump a ditch or a log with a loaded firearm.
  • Never shoot a bullet at a hard, flat surface, including water.
  • Store firearms and ammunition separately.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages and drugs before and during any shooting activity.

4 Basic Safety Rules: ACTT

The International Hunter Education Association, or IHEA, reduces the ten commandments to four basic safety rules, remembered by the acronym ACTT, A-C-T-T, as in, act responsibly around firearms.It stands for:

  • Assume every firearm to be loaded. Consider any firearm you haven’t just unloaded to be loaded, and treat it accordingly.
  • Control the muzzle. Point firearms in a safe direction. Now you have to decide what the safest muzzle direction is, and keep your firearm pointed in that direction. Never point a firearm at yourself or others, under any circumstances.
  • Trigger finger: Keep your trigger finger off the trigger until ready to fire. The natural instinct, when picking up a firearm, is to put your finger in the trigger guard. Just don’t do it. This could cause an accidental discharge if the firearm’s loaded.
  • Target: Be sure of your target and beyond. Never point your firearm at something you don’t intend to shoot. And make sure you positively identify what you’re shooting at, and also what lies in front of it and beyond it. Don’t use telescopic sights as a substitute for binoculars when identifying persons, animals, or objects.

I don’t really care if you memorize the ten commandments or reduce it to the four, the ACTT acronym. That’s not important. What’s important is that you pay attention to your firearm at all times when you’re in the field.I believe in gun control, and gun control to me means muzzle control. What’s really important is you control the direction of the muzzle. Make sure that your firearm is unloaded, unless it's supposed to be loaded at that particular moment. And really pay attention to your target and what’s beyond your target, what’s in front of your target. If you follow those simple rules and use common sense, you’re going to be a safe hunter.

Universal Drills

Basic firearms safety applies no matter where you are, and is often accomplished by certain basic and universal rituals or drills.Checking the chamber. Whenever passing a firearm to another person or getting into a vehicle, the normal etiquette or protocol is to check the chamber to make sure it is empty—likewise when receiving a firearm from another person.Negotiating an obstacle. Whether crossing a fence, boulder, log, or stream, or entering a stand or blind, it is almost unavoidable that the firearm’s muzzle can be temporarily out of control and a 100% safe direction cannot be guaranteed. There are two ways to handle the situation.The buddy system. Two buddies (or you and your PH) take turns holding the firearms and negotiating the obstacle.Unload the firearm! The standard procedure for crossing a fence is to unload the firearm and lay it down at the base of the fence with the muzzle pointing in a safe direction. Cross the fence, and retrieve the firearm. While this is the “school solution” for all obstacles, many will be negotiated simply and quickly by slinging the rifle. The point is that the muzzle is temporarily out of control, especially in the case of a slip or fall, so the chamber should first be unloaded.Getting into a vehicle. Customs and laws vary. In some areas, it is specifically illegal to have an uncased firearm in a vehicle. Required or not, it is always a good idea to put a firearm in a soft case while in a vehicle—not only to reduce wear and tear, but also to reduce the chance of a scope changing zero. However, whether a case is used or not, when a firearm is in a vehicle (including a boat or aircraft) or in a saddle scabbard on a horse or ATV, the muzzle is temporarily out of control, so the chamber must be clear. The drill for getting into a vehicle or any similar situation is thus simple: Clear the chamber and check it!

Plains Game

The big difference with African hunting is the great variety. Plains game may not live on open plains, but may live in forests, hills, mountains, deserts, swamps, or thorn bush in varying degrees of thickness. Africa holds every imaginable habitat type, and many hunting areas offer a variety of habitats, which dictate shooting distances. The term “plains game” is a catch-all phrase that generally refers to Africa’s non-dangerous animals.

Characteristics of Plains Game

Plains game generally includes the many antelope species, plus pigs and zebras. Including races and subspecies, there are well over 100 varieties of antelope, plus a half-dozen each of wild pigs and zebras. There are also a number of small predators. No single area offers even a small fraction of Africa’s total variety. However, unlike the rest of the world, most regions in Africa hold at least a dozen different varieties, and some hold more than 20.Size variance. African antelope range in size from the pygmy antelope, perhaps 10 to 30 pounds, on up to the eland, which might weigh a ton. Large antelope include wildebeest, up to 500 pounds, and kudu, perhaps 400 to 600 pounds. A zebra might weigh 800 pounds. On most plains game safaris available, animals will thus range from very small to fairly large.Versatility is the key. On any given day, African hunting is often focused. You may go out looking for an impala for the camp larder or specifically hunting for kudu in likely habitat. Reality is that, with such variety available, you really don’t know what you might run into on any given day. The kudu of your dreams could turn up at any time. But while looking for a kudu, you may see a 25-pound steenbok with irresistible horns. The rifle or rifles you select must cover all the bases, from small animals to large, and all the shots you might encounter, from very close in thick cover to longer shots in open areas.

Plain Games - Chapter 2

What Gun Should You Use For African Plains Game?

Rifle Selection

What Caliber Should I Bring?

One of the big problems you have with rifle selection for Africa is the size variance. African antelope alone range from the very, very small pygmy antelope, the duikers, and the dik-diks and so many more, all the way up to eland, which can weigh 2,000 pounds. They’re much bigger than a buffalo. So, when you talk about African rifles and cartridges, you’ve got to think versatility. Now in Africa we don’t do a lot of long shooting, but even so, you may be shooting from very close and thick cover to considerable range in open plains.

How Many Should I Bring?

So, the big question to answer is how many rifles should you bring. Well, generally speaking today, two’s company and three’s a crowd. In the old days, when safaris were longer and Africa was really an infinite wilderness and bag limits were almost unlimited, the standard was the three-rifle battery. A light rifle for the smaller antelope, some kind of a medium for perhaps lion and the larger antelope species, and then a heavy rifle for the thick-skinned dangerous game. Today, safaris are a lot shorter, the bags are a lot more specialized, and bag limits are much lower than they used to be. So again, two is really the most that you want to carry and look after at any given time. And of course, it’s very easy to put two rifles into a gun case. You really don’t want to bring two gun cases.

The One-Rifle Battery

The one-rifle battery is also always an option, and it can be a good one, provided you choose it with extreme care. It has to be absolutely reliable. You can’t take any chances on that because now you have no backup whatsoever. The other thing about a one-rifle battery is that one rifle has to be adequate for all the game you intend to hunt, from smallest to largest. And the scope that you put on it has to also be adequate for any shot you might encounter.


Let’s spend just a minute on shotguns and handguns. If you’re a serious bird hunter, and you take just one rifle, then a shotgun may be a good option for you. There’s almost always some good bird shooting in most African areas. Now in most camps, they’re going to have a camp shotgun. Your biggest problem with shotguns is going to be enough ammunition for a really good bird shoot. In some African areas, it’s really hard to come by, and in others it’s readily available. But if that’s of interest, please talk to your outfitter about that, because he can probably lay in a supply of shells. And with your baggage allowance, you’re not going to be able to bring enough to have even one decent day of bird shooting.


Handguns are another subject. Regulations vary widely. Hey, there’s a lot of great handgun hunting available in Africa, and you know there are places where it might be handy to have a handgun with you. I generally don’t bring one, just because it’s one more thing to carry, and one more thing to worry about. But again, regulations vary widely from country to country. So if you plan on bringing a handgun, be sure and discuss that with your outfitter, your professional hunter, or your booking agent, and make sure that it’s absolutely legal, and you won’t have any problems with it.

Firearms for Plains Game HuntingRifles

Two’s company, three’s a crowd. In the old days, when safaris were longer, bag limits were higher, and most safaris included opportunities at multiple varieties of dangerous game. The most common African battery included three rifles, based around a light, medium, and heavy caliber. Things have changed. Today’s safaris are shorter, and bag limits are lower. Baggage weight limits have dropped, and some African countries allow temporary importation of no more than two firearms. Regardless of restrictions in today’s Africa and especially for the plains game safari, two firearms are the maximum that should be brought.The two-rifle battery. Most hunters today bring two rifles. This allows for a bit of specialization in that you can bring a lighter rifle for the smaller animals and a heavier rifle for zebra and the largest antelope. However, keep in mind that it’s difficult to predict when an opportunity might arrive for any certain species, so the light rifle probably shouldn’t be too light and the heavy rifle shouldn’t be too heavy—since we are discussing options for plains game. It’s probably desirable to have some overlap or redundancy between the two so that you’re “covered” in case of a mechanical failure or something catastrophic, like a stock breaking. While you may consider a second rifle primarily as a spare, keep in mind that some countries, including South Africa, do not allow temporary importation of multiple rifles chambered to the same cartridge.The one-rifle battery. This is always an option and may be a good one, depending on the animals you intend to hunt and the rifle/cartridge you choose. If one rifle is chosen, it must be extremely reliable! Equally important, it must be powerful enough for the largest game you intend to hunt, and its scope must be suitable for the full range of shots you expect to encounter.

Shotguns and Handguns

Shotguns. If one rifle is chosen, then serious bird hunters might consider taking a shotgun as a second firearm. Most African areas have some bird hunting, and in many places it can be spectacular. Also, in thicker country the pygmy antelopes and smaller predators are often hunted with shotguns. Shotguns are usually available in camp, but adequate ammunition for a serious bird shoot may not be available (and baggage restrictions won’t allow enough to be brought), so these are discussions you should have with your outfitter.Handguns. Regulations regarding temporarily importing handguns vary widely with the country, and they are also subject to rapid change. Unless one is serious about hunting with a handgun there is no compelling reason to bring one, but if desired this is an issue that must be discussed with your outfitter.

Familiarity does not breed contempt!

  • Many hunters are compelled to acquire a new rifle or rifles for an upcoming African hunt. This may be necessary, but consider your trusty old favorites first. Most good old American deer and elk rifles are perfectly suitable for the majority of African plains game!
  • If a new rifle is to be used, be sure to acquire it far ahead of your trip. Plan enough range sessions so that you are completely familiar with it and certain of its absolute reliability well before you depart for your safari.

There are different types of rifle actions. The bolt action is by far the most common choice in today’s Africa. However, what is really important are the suitability of the cartridge and the hunter’s familiarity with the rifle. Chambered to adequate cartridges, lever actions, single shots, and slide actions can be perfectly suitable. Most African countries today do not allow the importation of semi-automatic rifles. If you wish to bring a semi-automatic, be sure to discuss this with your outfitter to ensure that it is legal.

Cartridges for Plains Game Hunting

A centerfire .22, such as the .223 Remington, is ideal for the smallest antelope and smaller predators. Lighter cartridges, such as the .243 and .25-06 (both very popular among local hunters in southern Africa), are excellent for medium-sized antelope up to impala and blesbok. However, the limitation on how many firearms can be brought suggests that if one rifle is either highly specialized or limited in capability, then the second rifle must be extremely versatile.

  • Minimum choices. Most American favorites are African favorites as well. Sound and adequate minimums for most plains game include 6.5mm, .270, and 7mm cartridges. With good shot placement, which is always the essential key, these cartridges will be adequate for game up to kudu and zebra.
  • All-around excellence. The most versatile choice is probably America’s favorite, the .30-caliber. The .308 Winchester, .30-06, and the several .300 magnums are fully adequate for almost all plains game.
  • Larger cartridges? For plains game hunting, there is very limited need for cartridges larger in caliber and more powerful than a versatile .30-caliber. There are, however, two situations where a larger cartridge might be considered.
  • If you decide that one rifle must be a very light cartridge, perhaps because it’s a favorite or you intend to do some serious predator calling, then the second rifle should probably be considerably more powerful. A .30-caliber is always a good choice, but a faster 8mm or .33-caliber cartridge might be considered.
  • If you intend to hunt eland, Africa’s largest antelope, then a .30-caliber becomes an extremely minimalist choice. With that animal in mind, you might consider a fast .33 (such as the .338 Winchester Magnum). The traditional favorite for eland is the .375 H&H, not at all a silly choice for an animal weighing up to 2,000 pounds. Although the .375 is extremely versatile, its power level is not needed for any other plains game.

Bullets for Plains Game Hunting

The same rule for selecting cartridges for African hunting applies to bullet selection. The bullet must be of adequate weight and tough enough construction to ensure adequate penetration on the largest game you plan to hunt.Accuracy versus velocity versus performance. American hunters tend to be addicted to accuracy and velocity. There’s nothing wrong with that, but genuine long-range shooting is unusual in Africa. So, neither the tightest groups nor the highest bullet velocities are as important as the terminal performance of the bullet. Some rifles produce their best accuracy with the toughest bullets at the highest speeds—but many do not. Consider the size variance of African animals and the toughness of some species. When compromises must be made among accuracy, velocity, and bullet performance, the latter should be the most important consideration.Tough bullets. Most manufacturers offer some bullets designed to expand quickly. They also offer other types designed to expand either less or more slowly, retain more weight, and penetrate deeper. The manufacturers’ literature may contain some hyperbole but will generally accurately describe the design characteristics of their bullets. The latter types—tough bullets—are the better choices for African hunting. Adequate penetration must be assured on the larger animals. Rule of thumb: The smaller the cartridge in relation to the game being hunted, the tougher the bullet should be.What about two types of bullets? In a perfect world, it might be ideal to have quicker-expanding bullets for the smaller animals and tougher, slower-expanding bullets for larger game. In our experience, this is a great idea but very difficult in execution. Because you never know exactly what animal might appear at any given time, it’s too complex—and there often isn’t time—to switch loads in midstream. Choose a bullet tough enough for the largest game you intend to hunt, and use it throughout.

Scopes for Plains Game Hunting

In today’s Africa, the telescopic sight is almost universal for plains game hunting. In some circumstances a case can be made for iron sights or red-dot sights for use on dangerous game. But for plains game the telescopic sight is absolutely superior because it allows the hunter to see better (especially in low light) and to place his or her shots better.While long-range shooting is extremely popular in America today, this trend has not reached Africa. African trackers and professional hunters (PHs) go to great pains to get their hunters as close as possible. This is appropriate and important because most PHs have seen a great deal of terrible shooting, and because of terrain and brush, perfectly steady rests are often unavailable. Also, from a purely practical standpoint, African rules are different: A drop of blood means the license is filled and the trophy fee is payable. This means that the extra-large variable scopes increasingly popular in America are not needed in Africa and may be counterproductive.Don’t forget the close shot! Most shooting at African plains game will range from something less than 100 yards to perhaps a bit more than 200 yards, which is considered a long shot by most PHs. There are some extremely open areas where shots as far as 300 yards may be required, but shots beyond that are extremely unusual and most PHs either will not recommend or will not allow shooting at such distances. However, in thick cover very close shots are sometimes offered. So, equally important to the highest magnification setting, a variable scope for African use must have a low enough power setting so that very close shots can be taken when necessary. For most of us this means a minimum power setting between 2X and maximum about 4X.Ideal plains game scopes. The ideal scope for African plains game is probably a variable-power scope between 2-7X and 4-12X, including the ever-popular 3-9X and 3.5-10X scopes. On smaller animals and in open country, the higher magnification levels will make good shot placement much easier, but scopes should always be kept on a low magnification setting so that a close shot can be taken if a quick opportunity arises. Crank up the magnification when needed, but don’t forget to turn it back down!Quality. Both rifles and scopes take serious beatings in Africa, constantly bouncing over rough roads. Scopes have to be rugged to stand up, and the best way to ensure that is to use one of the many high-quality brands, and avoid the most inexpensive scopes.Protection. Dust is a major issue in Africa. Bring a scope cover or lens caps. Leave them on your scope in the vehicle, removing when you commence a stalk. Using a soft gun case in vehicles will also save wear and tear on the scope as well as the rifle.

Plain Games - Chapter 3

How To Carry And Not Carry Your Rifle For Plains Game

The "African Carry”

As so often seen in photos and on television, it is very common in Africa to carry the rifle with the action balanced over one shoulder, butt to the rear, muzzle forward and grasped and controlled by one hand. This is not in itself unsafe, as the hand controls the direction of the muzzle.In order to understand the “African carry,” it’s useful to know where it comes from. In the old days when trackers also commonly served as “gunbearers,” the normal situation was for the gunbearer to walk ahead—rifle balanced on one shoulder, muzzle forward, butt to the rear. When game was encountered, the hunter needed only to reach forward, grasp the pistol-grip, and take the rifle, fast and efficient.Today, almost all African hunters—professional and amateur—carry their own rifles. The “African carry” persists because few PHs use slings, and the muzzle-forward carry is very comfortable (especially with heavy double rifles, with flat action bottoms and broad muzzles to grasp). The obvious problem is the muzzle points forward. Thus, when walking in line, it is almost inevitable that the person carrying rifle will “sweep” the person walking ahead. If the rifle is unloaded, this is merely unsafe and a display of terrible manners. If the rifle is loaded, the “African carry” is potentially deadly. It is not recommended, but it is a very comfortable way to carry a rifle, especially on long, hot tracking hunts. If employed, it is essential to concentrate constantly on muzzle control. Keep the barrel offset well to the side and away from the people walking ahead.

Closing on Game

In the final moments of a stalk, the rifle will almost always be fully loaded (cartridge in the chamber and safety on)—not only to be ready but also to avoid the metallic noise of working the action in proximity to game. Again, muzzle control is essential, with the mechanical safety as only a backup system.

  • Crawling. Depending on terrain and vegetation, a lot or a little creeping and crawling is often required to get into a final shooting position. The biggest safety challenge comes when crawling is required. And this is potentially one of the most dangerous situations because many mechanical safeties can be brushed into firing position by grass and twigs. The trigger can also be snagged. Natural excitement doesn’t make it better! It is essential to focus on the muzzle, step by step, and ensure it is pointed in a safe direction. The muzzle can be offset to one side, or if you are in the rear of the line, the muzzle can be reversed.
  • Butt scooting. An alternative to crawling on hands and knees is to sit flat with legs forward, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground. The rifle is laid across the lap with the muzzle to either side in a safe direction and with arms straight and hands to the rear. Using legs and arms, you scoot forward a foot and then repeat. Although slow and uncomfortable, butt scooting is safer from a muzzle control standpoint. If any significant distance must be covered, it is also less strenuous than hands-and-knees and creates much less wear and tear on hands, knees, and rifle.

After the Shot

Adrenaline is surging, and that’s good. But that’s not the time to throw away safety. After firing a shot, immediately make ready to shoot again if needed. Sometimes, you will remain in position and observe for a time. Other times, you will rush forward. After the shot or shots, you should reload your chamber and be ready. But before you move forward to check the animal or look for sign, be certain you engage your safety, and maintain full control of your rifle with both hands. Before you move may be a good time to top up your magazine, especially if you have fired more than one shot.Approach any downed animal with caution, and do not rush ahead of your PH and trackers. Some “non-dangerous” African animals are extremely dangerous when wounded. Bushbucks are famous for being aggressive, likewise the entire sable-roan-oryx group. However, any cornered or injured animal can be dangerous. Zebras can become aggressive, and historical incidents of hunters being killed by wounded kudus are documented. Approach with caution with your PH. Check the animal carefully for any sign of life—rifle ready. And be fully aware of where your trackers and PH are. Once it is certain the animal is deceased, unload your chamber.

Plain Games - Chapter 4

Using Shooting Sticks

Shooting Sticks Transcript

In Africa, the three-legged shooting sticks are almost universal. Now there’s some really good reasons for this. The first reason is they get you up off the ground. In Africa, a lot of low vegetation is going to obscure your shots. So, it’s relatively uncommon to use prone, sitting, kneeling, or other low positions like you might be able to in other parts of the world.The other reason is that even if you can get down, all the vegetation in Africa has thorns, and there's biting ants, and whatnot. And so if you can get steady without dropping to the ground, you probably want to do so.The other thing about it is that three-legged shooting sticks are just really ideal for the African situation. You’re almost never hunting alone. You’ve got your professional hunter with you, and you’ve got at least one tracker, and often two, so somebody carries the shooting sticks. And the way it works is that you’re usually not first in line. You’re walking second or third, usually the tracker in front, followed by the PH, and one of them is carrying the sticks.So, you go down a trail, and you see a beautiful three-toed gazork or perhaps a unicorn. And the tracker is carrying the sticks, and he’s going to set them up, and he’ll step to the side. And the professional hunter is going to take a look with his binoculars, and he’ll say, “Aha, my dear sir. That is a lovely unicorn. I think you should take the shot.” Then it’s your place. Just come up and slip the rifle onto the sticks. Professional hunter is off to the side. The tracker’s to the other side. And when he gives you the go-ahead and only when he gives you the go-ahead, you take the shot. Shooting sticks are used in that fashion all across the African continent. Here’s what's really important. Do not let that range day—the sight-in day—be the first time you’ve ever seen three-legged shooting sticks. Get them, and practice with them at home. Here’s a little video of my daughter and I working out with sticks.Craig and Brittany Boddington stand in a field beside a set of shooting sticks.
Brittany Boddington: Well, you know, shooting sticks can be a daunting thing if you’ve never used them before. In Africa, they’re super popular, and they’re becoming more popular in a lot of different countries. It’s great for a stand-up shot. It’s great for open plains when you don’t have anything to shoot off of. I grew up shooting with them. He taught me how for my very first time. That was how I learned. So, it’s super comfortable for me, but there are some tricks to it.It’s critical when you’re seating the rifle that you keep the strap clear, and you grip the sticks and the rifle simultaneously. Then you can put some weight onto the sticks and create a really steady rest. These particular sticks are from African Sporting Creations.
Craig Boddington: What I like about this model is it breaks into three sections so that you can put it in your gun case easily. And then you can also use it short for a good steady sitting position. You can use it at two-thirds for a kneeling position or all the way up for standing shooting. Our buddy Jim Miranda, who makes them, he calls them over-engineered. But the joints are actually aircraft aluminum, and they’re totally repeatable. You have no problem putting them together.And they’re universal in Africa. If you’re going on safari, you better learn sticks. But I carry them almost everywhere. I actually tie the legs together, and I use them as a walking stick. And then I’ve got them if I need them. And you know, it doesn’t matter what you’re hunting. If you have to make a standing shot, it’s a lot better than unsupported.

Brittany Boddington: Well you know, it’s great to have your own set. Because like anything else, practice makes perfect, and shooting sticks are no exception.
Craig Boddington: You bet.Brittany loads a .318 rifle and prepares to fire.
Brittany Boddington: OK, let’s go 100.
Craig Boddington: All right.
Brittany Boddington: We got a nice high-powered scope. Why not use it?
Craig Boddington: Yeah. Yeah. That’s that good .318, got a lot of power.
Brittany Boddington: Yeah.Brittany fires the rifle.
Craig Boddington: That’ll work. Dead pig.
Brittany Boddington: Hey, that’ll work.
Craig Boddington: All right.
Brittany Boddington: Cool.

Shooting Off of Sticks

In African hunting, three-legged shooting sticks are almost universal. There are several reasons for this.They get you up off the ground. Low vegetation often precludes shooting positions commonly used elsewhere (such as prone, sitting, and kneeling) because the animal is often obscured.Even when a low position is possible, everything in Africa has thorns, and biting ants are a common pest in many areas. Shooting standing off sticks solves the problem.Sticks are ideal in the African situation. The lead tracker often carries them. During a deliberate stalk, the PH usually takes the sticks and the lead. But if an animal is suddenly spotted or encountered within shooting range, the lead tracker will customarily set up the sticks and fade to one side. The PH comes up to the other side to evaluate the animal. Your job as the hunter is to step forward, avoiding sudden movements, get the rifle on the sticks, and be prepared to shoot if the PH gives the go-ahead.

Shooting Sticks Techniques

Shooting sticks require practice! It takes a bit of work to become comfortable and familiar with shooting sticks. The two primary secrets are:Learn the right height for you! Usually, it’s about the level of the top shirt button, so you can lean slightly forward into the sticks.Placement of your supporting hand. Never rest the barrel directly on the junction of the sticks (or anything else). The ideal is to grasp both the fore-end of your rifle and the sticks, tying them together. Not everyone has large enough hands to do this, so you have to find what works for you. This is another exam you can’t cram for! Don’t let range day be the first time you’ve ever used sticks. Make your own or get a commercial set, and practice with it on your own range. Then you can not only demonstrate your ability but also show your PH and your trackers exactly how you like the sticks set up.Practice does make perfect! Sticks are not a perfect solution; slight horizontal wobble is almost unavoidable. However, with practice, most shooters can become adequately steady for perhaps 150-yard shots, which cover the vast majority of African shooting in most areas.

Plain Games - Chapter 5

Plains Game Hunting Techniques

Hunting Techniques

Depending on both species and circumstances, African plains game is generally hunted by tracking, glassing and stalking, still-hunting, and stand-hunting.


Tracking is one of the most traditional and interesting African hunting techniques, and it is pure magic to watch African trackers do their work. However, only the larger animals leave tracks deep enough for even the best trackers to follow. Eland are often hunted by tracking. Zebra can be tracked, and in the right soil, a kudu bull can be tracked. Most species, however, are hunted by other techniques.

Glassing and Stalking

The most common technique for plains game hunting is glassing and stalking. In hilly country, the party moves from vantage point to vantage point. In open country, the party moves slowly, stopping often to glass with binoculars. Depending on terrain, movement might be done on foot or by vehicle.


While you are always looking for animals both near and far, some species are often hunted by still-hunting—moving slowly through thicker areas where encounters are likely. Cover-loving antelopes like kudu and bushbuck are often hunted in this manner.

Two difficult skills are important: being aware and walking quietly. It’s important to pay attention all the time. Because of familiarity with animals and vegetation, the trackers and PH are more likely to spot game first. But since encounters are usually close under such circumstances, it’s important to concentrate on paying attention. Walking quietly is essential. Avoid rapid movements, and be aware of where you place your feet, avoiding sticks and twigs. Many typical hunting boots have soles too hard (and noisy) for this type of hunting; crepe and softer rubber soles are noticeably quieter than hard soles.

While shooting sticks are preferred by most PHs under most circumstances, much movement is required to set up sticks. So, in close encounters in thick cover, unsupported offhand shooting is often the best course. This is a last resort; any rest is better than none. However, since shooting offhand is the most difficult and may be required, you should practice it regularly as you prepare for your safari.


The majority of archery hunting in Africa is done from stands over waterholes. It is not nearly so common in rifle hunting, and in some areas, hunting is actually illegal within a specified distance of any water source. However, on private land, this rule generally does not apply.

Sitting in a stand or blind over waterholes can be extremely productive for certain species at certain times of the day. Stand-hunting at dawn and dusk is familiar to most American deer hunters, but in Africa, stand-hunting for warthogs, kudu, and other species is often most productive during the heat of the day—from late morning until mid-afternoon.

The waterhole is also a great place for game photography. It’s no different from stand-hunting anywhere else. Whether elevated stands or ground blinds, the stand is set downwind from likely approaches, and the keys are to be quiet, still, and watchful.


Both PHs and trackers are usually masters at planning and orchestrating stalks and at observing them using terrain and cover. Working the wind is part of the fun of any safari.
Most stalks begin with the sighting of a distant animal that appears “promising,” but few stalks commence with the certainty of a shot if one is possible. Instead, most stalks are conducted at least initially to get a better look at an animal. So, don’t assume a shot is likely to happen, and always wait for the go-ahead!

Depending on terrain, distance, and circumstances, a stalk at first may be at a rapid pace to cover ground. But at some point, the PH and trackers will slow down, and movement must become stealthier and quieter. Follow your PH’s lead, and when things slow down, concentrate on stepping as quietly as possible. This is usually the point when it’s time to chamber a round, but never hesitate to ask your PH, using signals and motions if you think this step may have been overlooked.

When the animal is visual and in range, the sticks will usually go up, and your job is to get into shooting position slowly and quietly. This is generally not your cue to shoot—not yet—unless you have been so instructed. Usually, the PH wants you ready but will want to make a last-minute confirmation of horn size, sex, and/or age at a closer range, so don’t release the safety until you have a firm go-ahead.

Plain Games - Chapter 6

Research, Preparedness, & Travel Recommendations

Packing Tips

Firearms and Ammunition

Firearms must be packed separately in sturdy locked cases. Make sure your hinges are secure and the hasps allow the case to be securely locked. Always declare firearms and ammunition when you approach any ticket counter.In the United States, up to 5 kilograms or 11 pounds of ammunition in original factory containers can be in checked baggage, separate from firearms. In Europe and South Africa, the same weight limit applies, but ammunition must be checked separately in its own locked case (wood, metal, or plastic). The simplest approach is to get a small, sturdy ammunition case and pack it in your duffel bag with locks inside but not locked when you leave the United States. In this fashion, you are ready to comply if required during a plane change or stopover.

Carry-On Bag

While baggage handling is generally reliable, delays and lost bags do occur anywhere in the world. Pack your carry-on bag as if it were the only bag you will receive! You can usually borrow a rifle and ammo and purchase basic clothing articles, so mandatory in the carry-on are binoculars, camera, extra prescription glasses, all prescription medications for the full period of your hunt, one change of clothing, and anything else you simply cannot live without for 10 days or 2 weeks.

Checked Bags

Luggage must be rugged and waterproof, but soft duffel bags are better than hard-sided luggage because they are easier to fit into vehicles and smaller final transport to camp.


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